Friday, July 17, 2009

Late "True To Life"

The book I spent five years of my life with,the book I learnt many things from(I really appreciate what Kish teachers have done for me) ,and the book I had many memories with,my TTL bye.(I must say we will miss you TTL,but we are not going to forget you old pal!)
The new book (Total English) has many advantages but to be honest it has some disadvantages.
the advantages are tangible grammar,vocabulary and structure parts (materials),tape script which is provided for all levels(not just for UI level),and also a specific part in software which helps you revise units and learn subjects in those sessions you were absent.
The most important disadvantage is that The Workbook is not provided with answer key which is a big weakness for this book,I suggest that Kish equips an answer key for its own students.The listening part is not well designed either.
However I think students at Kish have a positive attitude about the new book and find it enjoyable.
If You have further advantages and disadvantages in your mind,please let us know by clicking on Comments.


Mahdi S said...

Agree :)

Unknown said...

Just like to disgree :))
u know what dude? I find it much much better than TTL. TTL was extremely BORING for me. It contained lots of subjects, thoughts which we had no idea about it. I suppose it wasn't written for Iranin. TE is a real good book at least better than TTL. And if you can call "Not having answer key" a disadvantage, I think it is the one for TE.