Sunday, July 26, 2009


Coming Soon...

Monday, July 20, 2009


Do you have a job?
Do you intend to get a job?
Are you going to change your job?
Whatever you are and whatever you intend to do I have a very critical question; Are you satisfied with your career?
As I ask it from many different people I get many varied answers.
Let me inform you what I found:
40% were satisfied, 40% were dissatisfied and 20% didn’t know what they want at all (including myself!).
Those who were satisfied with their job were mostly people who fell in love with their occupation instead of falling in love with their partners!, work junkies (those who would die if they were not busy with something!) and people who really found their dream career and just want it to take care of financial affairs of their sweet families.
Those who are not satisfied with their career mostly complain about job irrelevancy and lack of appreciation about their effort.
Those who don’t know that whether they are suitable or not for a position always change their job in order to find their dream job, and if they found it, they would be happy enough not to alter their job again.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Late "True To Life"

The book I spent five years of my life with,the book I learnt many things from(I really appreciate what Kish teachers have done for me) ,and the book I had many memories with,my TTL bye.(I must say we will miss you TTL,but we are not going to forget you old pal!)
The new book (Total English) has many advantages but to be honest it has some disadvantages.
the advantages are tangible grammar,vocabulary and structure parts (materials),tape script which is provided for all levels(not just for UI level),and also a specific part in software which helps you revise units and learn subjects in those sessions you were absent.
The most important disadvantage is that The Workbook is not provided with answer key which is a big weakness for this book,I suggest that Kish equips an answer key for its own students.The listening part is not well designed either.
However I think students at Kish have a positive attitude about the new book and find it enjoyable.
If You have further advantages and disadvantages in your mind,please let us know by clicking on Comments.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


An absolutely enormous dragon which is going to eat the whole world including its own residents!!The most populated country in the world which most of them are a group called 'Han'.What is this Han that we hear about it every where;In news,Tv series (famous Joomoong!) and etc.Han dynasty was the ruler of China from 900 BC to 100 AC (about 1000 years).Their main aim was to make China united,as you may know China consists of several different nations.
What we see today is that the China's Communist Party has the same principles;To keep China united.I think everybody knows what happend to Tibet in 2008,today in Uighur and how insistently China claims that Taiwan is mine!
I don't think China's ruling class since 3000 years ago has had a positive impression about people's opinion.They are brutal invaders,thats why nations apart from Han call that country 'Our Land' and not China.
It seems they already exported this point of view to other countries if you know what I mean...
Be Always Free.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

With Your Partner!

We can split partners into several groups;married couples,business partners,English class partners,and etc.
They have something in common,having might think how naive I am but there is a prominent point here,and that is the cost (not exactly the financial cost) of being dishonest is too much more than the cost of being honest.It's not a concept that I found it individually but it is the concept that was proven by social science experts.
Another aspect is to try to be whoever your partner wants.I am aware that evry single person has her / his own principles.If your partner's wishes conflict with your beliefs that's not your real partner.
I must add another point here,it is not always your partner that should be altered,but sometimes (or maybe most of the times) it is you and your beliefs that ought to be changed.
So think about it.
Good Luck.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Error Of Judgment

Have you ever judged pepole by their appearance?I'm sure you have,everybody has.I suppose it happens because we only see the world with our eyse so it's prety natural and obvious why we judge everything (and not just everyone) with its appearance.You know what? most of the times we make mistakes about this kind of actually misjudgment and also we feel embarrassed afterwards.Thus from now on lets first think about everything and if it is necessary,judge it from every aspects.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mote & Brushwood

Today is the 4th day that weather is still dusty.
I have been out for 6 hours today and when I came back
I couldn't breath with my nose at all!!
God bless us! what we have done?!
I checked several times and there is no chance for raining (actually 0%) for next seven days!
With this much dust in the air if we had rain,we would have mud every where!
I always thank God.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Have you ever considered that when you have too much work you have enough leisure time ?you know why ? I think it's because we have to be more organized when we have more jobs to do.So it is better to have more jobs,isn't it ? It has two advantages;Although you do more tasks,you have more leisure time.Let me add one another point,in this way you enjoy your life because you feel you are active and you are doing something that might help both you and the others.
So organize your mind and your life.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Good Morning!

Today I Just start to write because my english teacher forced me to write a blog! (kidding!! please don't fail me this term)
Seriously and honestly my first goal is to develope my English.
The second one is to communicate with outside world,so any question,comment,opinion and etc will be welcomed with open arms.
To cut a long story short,I will be pleased by being both criticized and praised!
Good Luck.